About Us
Dr. Charu Girotra is a highly skilled and compassionate Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and General Dentist with over 23 years of experience in the field. As a Professor at DY Patil Dental College & Hospital, Nerul, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her patients.
At Dr. Charu Girotra’s Dental Surgery Centre in Kharghar, her goal is to provide top-notch oral health care with the utmost care and patience. Equipped with the latest technology, patients can expect quick and efficient treatment. Her clinic provides comprehensive care including root canals, orthodontic Invisalign treatment, specialized pediatric care, and cosmetic dentistry. She also provides a wide range of speciality services including dental implants, wisdom tooth surgery, gum surgery, orofacial pain management, cyst and tumor removal, and oral cancer screening.
What sets Dr. Girotra apart is her commitment to providing a personal touch, earning her a reputation as a trusted and go-to doctor among her patients. With her excellent diagnostic skills and patient-centred approach, she ensures each patient receives the best possible care.
In addition to her technical expertise, Dr. Girotra is also committed to educating her patients on preventive care and positive lifestyle changes. Her compassionate and skilled approach to dentistry makes her a standout in the field.

Research &Publications
International Publications
Cross sectional analysis of mandibular anthropometric points using CBCT to derive biometric measurements for a a safer approach to mandible osteotomies: J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022
Bimodal approach: A key to manage a case of Traumatic Superior Orbital Fissure Syndrome: J Emerg Trauma Shock 2022
A rare occurrence of spindle cell tumor (smooth muscle origin) in a pediatric mandible positive to tumor marker Ki 67 causing a therapeutic dilemma: Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 5 (2022)100207
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome: A clinical case report: Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 5 (2022)100222
Cognizance, Comprehension, and Implementation of Green Dentistry among Dental Students and Practitioners, Navi Mumbai, India: International Journal of Scientific Study April 2021 Vol 9 Issue 1.
Impact of COVID 19 on profession and psychology of dental health professionals- A questionnaire based Pan India survey: International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)2021:19:65-70
Retrospective analysis of oral squamous cell carcinoma cases at a tertiary care hospital in Navi Mumbai: our experience: IJDSIR 2021; vol 4 issue 2,434-440.
Management of an Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of the Mandible - A Case Report
International Journal of Current Research and Review
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31782/JCRR.2021 SP293
Eruption cyst: A case report. Saudi Journal of Oral Sciences 2020 vol 7 issue 2;120-3.
Determination of Ergonomics, Fitness and its impact in Dental Practice: A KAP Study. International Journal of Advanced Research INT.J.Adv.Res.8(01),971-977
Assessment of risk of hemorrhage and its control following minor oral surgical procedures in patients on anti-platelet therapy: A prospective study. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (IJOMS)2013
Ranked No. 1 By Medlinx.Com, A Renowned International Web Portal
Eruption Cyst: A case report. Saudi Journal of Oral Sciences
Extensive radicular cyst of the mandible: A rare case report. International Journal of Medical Dentistry, March 2013. pg 71-75 2013
Pattern of third molar impaction in the Indian population: a clinic-radiographic survey. Oral Med Oral Radiol Oral Surg Oral Pathol (OOOO) Dec 2012
National Publications
Is Paracetamol Better than Diclofenac Sodium in Management of Postoperative Pain and Edema following Major Maxillofacial Surgeries? 2023 Mar;22(1)187-195
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Infection Control among Dental Undergraduate Students-A Cross sectional Survey. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2021;19:65-70
Evaluation of Sexual Dimorphism in Schneider Membrane Thickness Using Cone Beam computed Tomography (CBCT) for its Clinical and Forensic Implications. J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2021
Peizosurgery in Bilateral split Ramus Osteotomy : A Case Report.
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research 2021;12(ISSUE03): 3491
Joining tissues with no strings attached-using cyanoacrylate as an alternative to suturing-a case report. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences Vol 2, Issue 12, Dec 2019
Verrucous Carcinoma of Tongue hailing together with HPV 16-Areport of rare case. International Journal of Current Research Vol9, Issue 12,62544-62546, Dec 2017
Mucinous Cystadenoma of Palate: A Rare Case Report with Review of Literature. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (2015)
Efficacy of double gloving in minor and major surgical procedures: a prospective study. Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery. July- December 2011 Issue 2 Pg No:112-119 (2011)
Idiopathically submerged ipsilateral permanent first molars with fused maxillary second and third molars: a rare occurrence. Journal of Clinical Dentistry. JIDA Pg No: 34-40 (Oct 2013).
Synchronous primary squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity-report of 2 cases. Indian Journal of Oral Health and Research (2012)
Large Radicular Cyst in anterior maxilla with CBCT Review. A case report. Scientific Journal, D Y Patil University (2011)
Surplus wisdom to accommodate. Scientific Journal, D Y Patil University (2010)
Comparison of efficacy of 4% Articaine with 1:100,000 adrenaline to that of 2% lignocaine with 1:80,000 adrenaline in exodontia cases. Scientific Journal D Y Patil University July- December Issue 2 Pg No:112-119(2009)
Versatility of pedicled buccal fat pad in closure of oral defects. Scientific Journal, D Y Patil University (2008)